Mornings in kindergarten can set the tone for the entire day. We explore the many benefits of outdoor play and how it enriches children’s daily experiences, both in our playground and on our weekly forest trips.
Read MoreKamukoti has a very diverse environment; employees and children do come from different nationalities and cultures, and we all know that being in touch with our roots are very significant with every individual. Sharing and talking about it with friends is such an important and fun thing to do.
Read MoreThis time we went to Latvia to explore early childhood education. Check what we’ve learnt there.
Read MoreKamu is participating in the international Nordic Plus Outdoor Game Education project, where you will learn about outdoor pedagogy alongside participants from other countries. Welcome to read about all the interesting experiences from the first trip hosted by Lithuania.
Read MoreIn our daycare, carbohydrate intake is at a very good level. Their consumption is especially focused around breakfast and snacks. Although morning porridge may seem like a boring food, it is a healthy start to the day. We typically serve porridge with sugar-free fruit puree, along with fresh options such as carrots and various fruits.
Read MoreTeija, a teacher at Kamukoti, spent the spring learning about early childhood education in Switzerland. Read about her experiences and the differences between Finnish and Swiss early childhood education.
Read MoreWe created a library with our kids! The children in Kamukoti have shown a lot of interest in books: looking at the pictures in different kinds of books, having adults read to them, and sharing books with their friends. It’s wonderful to see the children so excited about something, so we wanted to encourage their new interest and started a book project.
Read MoreI started my degree studies in Children’s Guidance and Early Childhood Development in 2022 and have been fortunate enough to complete all my internships so far at both Pitsku and Arabia Kamukoti Kindergartens. This has been very satisfying as I have been able to build up consistent professional working relationships with all the staff and relationships with the children and their parents.
Read MoreSeparation anxiety is a natural part of a child's development, typically occurring when children are aged between 6 months and 3 years. As parents, understanding and supporting our children during this phase is crucial. There are several strategies that parents can try to help the children ease into kindergarten and build confidence in managing separations in various situations.
Read MoreKun tämän päivän ruokalistaamme seuraa, huomaa että on oltava tietoisuus maapallon tilasta, ilmaston muutoksesta sekä lähiruokatuotannon huomioimisesta. Kasvispohjaisia ruokia on tarjolla useita viikoittain. Ruoat ovat monesti jos ei vegaanipohjaisia niin ainakin laktoosittomia. Ruoan valmistuikseen vaikuttaa myös toimitustukkumme, jonka on elettävä ajassa, jotta saamme toteutettua asiakkaidemme eli perheiden toivomuksia. Myös Helsingin kaupungin päivähoidon viranomaiset seuraavat päiväkotien ruokalistoja. He opastavat ruokasuosituksissa pehmeiden rasvojen, vihannesten, juuresten, hedelmien ja marjojen päivittäisestä käytöstä.
Read MoreMitä tulee mieleen, kun varhaiskasvattajat puhuvat positiivisesta pedagogiikasta? Onko se vain sanahelinää, vai onko se jotain konkreettista, nähtävissä olevaa?
Read MoreOne of the most common things that we hear as teachers, when parents talk about their child’s dressing at home is, “they don’t do anything!” This can be very frustrating for some parents, while other simply shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, they are still so little.” On the contrary, even at 1.5yr, they can do a lot! Here are some tips about how to get you toddler to start to dress themselves independently.
Read MoreKamu's garden is finally ready! Read a story from our blog where we tell how everything started, how the garden was established, what benefits children gain from gardening, how sustainable development is considered in Kamu's garden and who supports the garden.
Read MoreWhat is environmental education in kindergarten? It is about nature experiences, exploring and learning in everyday life, through the joy of play and innate curiosity. We do urban farming and learn together to live a sustainable lifestyle.
Read MoreWe are extremely happy with Kamu daycare. The facilities are functional and safe. The child likes to stay in the daycare every day and has found many favourite playmates. In a small daycare, the child knows all the adults, including the manager and the owner, and vice versa, all the adults know all the children.
Read MoreIn every family there comes the day when parents go back to their work life routine and it is time for the child to begin his/her journey in daycare. The manager of our Kamu daycare center listed some items below, which are good to keep in mind when taking this big step.
Read MoreKamu was created for children to thrive in the future and parents to make life easier. As a caring and flexible partner, Kamu helps parents to tackle the everyday life challenges, that might occur when living in a hectic world with expectations, life goals and dreams. Children enrich our lives and create the future world, that Kamu wants to be part of.
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